In memory of Alf Johansson

"He saw the opportunity to strengthen Swedese."

The fact that Swedese became an internationally recognized design company in the 2000s was largely due to company leader and visionary Alf Johansson. He saw the opportunity to strengthen Swedese at that time by combining it with a company specialized in comfortable, upholstered seating furniture. He also understood the need to develop the two company areas by focusing on a combination of design, quality and comfort.

Sadly, Alf Johansson was never able to see Swedese flourish and experience its heyday. He passed away due to cancer in 2005 – but his thoughts and visions live on. Alf Johansson was not only a visionary; he was also a social and considerate person. Swedese former owner Elisabeth Johansson and her family have therefore instituted a donation in his memory aiming to support organizations working with children and young people with disabilities.

The donation in memory of Alf Johansson has been awarded to:

2005 Svenska Noonanföreningen

2006 Prader-Williföreningen in Sweden

2007 Rävekärrs särskola, Mölndal

2008 Fågelforsskolans särskola, Skillingaryd

2009 Strömskolans särskola, Kinna

2010 BK Fregatten, Mölndal

2011 Mariedalsskolans särskola, Varberg

2012 Streteredsskolans särskola, Kållered

2013 7:ans Fritids, Mölndal

2014 Husqvarna FF, Fotboll för alla, Huskvarna

2015 Frejagymnasiet, Mölndal

2016 Viggo Foundation, Stockholm

2017 Emmaskolans särskola Hammarkullen, Göteborg

2019 Insamlingsstiftelsen Loza Foundation och Asociación Sindrome de Noonan Perú

2020 Prinsparets Stiftelse och Loza Foundation

2021 Lärjeskolan grundsärskola och Loza Foundation